As most everyone does when a new year comes, I made a list of resolutions, dreams and plans that I hope to fulfill before 2017 comes around. So to begin my resolutions, I am here speaking at you because one of my resolutions is finding ways to express myself, this also includes taking dance classes and possibly even starting a vlog, but for now I am happy to just write down the random stuff that is falling out of my brain.
So, to begin with, I thought I would talk about where my life is now, so you can get to know me in this moment. I think I expect big changes this year because when I think ahead to another new year, I don't see myself being the same person as I am. So I am also writing to myself in a way, to future me who I hope will read this and I don't know, have some sort of revelation about change or whatever.
I hate having to talk about myself by the way but there are certain things I end up rambling about, so this will be very vague in some parts and too detailed in others, but what can you do?
I had to review and describe my work history recently since I rewrote my resume. I have to be perfectly honest; I hated having to do it because I had to find fancy ways of saying, that in my job, I do housework, play games with the kids and make their lunch. I felt as though I couldn't sum up what kind of work I did without missing so many aspects of things I had learnt in my work; so I spent the whole time worrying whether it was coming off as impressive or just some random odd jobs I had picked up, but I did come to the realisation that I have worked a lot more jobs than I'd thought and I've gained a lot of valuable skills.
As I write this, things keep popping into my head and so I'm just going to write those random thoughts down, I hope it will make sense in the end. I'm sorry in advance.
Song in my head currently: Youth - Troye Sivan
What I am watching: Bridget Jones's Diary
I need to do a separate blog for my tv show addiction.
What I am investing in most: Got7

I've lost my train of mind, I just got to the point in Bridget Jones where she is about to get it on with Daniel Cleaver and he sees her granny panties. I don't get how people don't love this movie.
I am so ready for 2016, it feels like it will be an journey. I am absolutely optimistic that good things will happen, but that's the way a new year makes me feel. Except for the one time when I spent New Years watching the guy I was crushing on make out with his new girlfriend. This year was started on a brave note and those are pretty rare for me so I am full of optimism that this year will be the year of experiencing new things. Of course I can't help but worry that I won't live up to my own expectations and that the goals and plans I've made will just stay in my notebooks, but like I said I am optimistic. This year at least looks far more promising than previous ones for I have a new job opportunity, Jayden landed a managerial role at a new restaurant and so due to his encouragement I have submitted my updated resume in hopes of landing a job in their kitchen. The idea totally freaks me out because even though I have worked for two different caterers and done my own gig, it is a totally different ball game working in a restaurant kitchen; at least I am assuming it is, it could be exactly the same as catering and I would be totally fine, but I'm nervous either way.
This post is taking far too long to get through and I'm sorry.
My age currently is 20 and so that means that this year is the big 21, I started plans for it 3 months ago since I am seriously keen for it; the theme is masquerade. I have visions of beautiful gowns and gorgeous decor which will take quite a bit of effort, time and money. I am planning to invite heaps of people from different times in my life, and it will shamelessly be a celebration of my life!
I have the best family, by the way, today they all went away (abandoned me) not actually! I made the conscious decision to stay home because Grandma (Gma) fell over this morning. It is a very rare thing that is a very big deal in our house. She started the year by enjoying staying in bed all day (so did I) as well as night which means that her muscle have deteriorated a bit so she has less balance so I will have to give her a bit of tough love and force her to work out and do some exercises. She's a funny, stubborn but caring like crazy person. She has the best sense of humour, so you can't hang out with her without at least giggling a little.
This post has taken me quite a while to write but it was done in one day. Expect many more because I think I like talking, so thanks for taking your time, if you did.
I keep getting urges to use emojis but I don't want to!
Keep your smile on!
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