Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have an amazingly busy week but the most packed out day of all is wednesday. Wednesday is filled with fun & friends, with working hard and working out. I love wednesday but there are sometimes moments when I wish that all things didn't happen on wednesday.
My day starts out later than a school kids day, with dance scheduled at 11:05am it goes for 50 minutes and at 12 choir starts. I love dance and choir, first I get to work out in a fun way and try and prefect my dancign skills then I move to a different expression of emotions. Choir is really enjoyable with a new teacher, it's interesting to see the style of teaching and the method of keeping a large class under control. The harmonies we have be learning are amazing and I always love a good challenge to my vocal chords. After that is lunch time a chance to sit back a chat with all the ppls, lunch is bit crazy as there are so many families going around about they're business that you often find you can't think or move from the amount of ppl surrounding you in the kitchen. From 2 o'clock we then have a drama lesson with Jen, most people say this is their favourite part of the day but I'm not sure about it. It's defs fun, we play games occasionally and do activites tho it is a lot more hard work than choir or dance. I love the homeschoolers and after 4 I have free time to chat with anyone who hasn't left to beat the traffic. One of my brothers usually has a g'tar lesson so we are the last to leave and often not home before 6. Jazzercise is also on at 7 so I shall be making a trip back to the hall every evening making it a very long but very enjoyable day.

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