So since your reading my thoughts and trying to imagine what I'd be like to meet.... I'll give you an idea. For example ever since I began this blog I've been trying to find the best background for my music and my notes and photo's, but everything I went through was either too pretty or so not me and not matching my music. I don't have a style. I am not stereotypical and yet I am which is confusing. I don't think I'm weird but I know i am. I have a crazy silly personality, that can change to a serious responsible adult in moments. I never know what to expect....I'm not exceptionally tall for my age but am taller than all my friends by at least a few centimetres. I have hair that has a mind of it's own, it will be tied back one moment and free and flowing the rest. I rarely tie my hair back though it is hardly in the same position day to day. For instance my part zig zags, straightens and splits.Today I made one of my balloon people, I make it out of clothing stuffed with clothing and since I use my own clothing it is usually life size. I like to leave it lying around the room to surprise people since I usually give it a balloon head under a hood. People think it is someone and even though it's only for a split second I get as much enjoyment as I get from eating malteasers.
I am also currently knitting a light blue scarf. It is taking a very long time but I guess patience is a virtue!
Yesterday was heaps of fun. I had work in the morning, Keira woke me up with 15 minues to get ready. So I ate plain toast.Today I'm watching The Prince and Me, I got a bit distracted by the computer though.... I was editing my music on the blog and I began to listen to some Glee, then I wanted to watch some the only channel that I can see the songs on is this awesome asian one called which has everything in asian and english, thank goodness. So dad's watching my movie while I watch Glee.I'm now extremely distracted and the sunis setting so I'm starting to freeze. Mum and Dad hired Old Dogs from the video store and we're going to go to the Hadges to watch it tonight, while our parents and theirs are at Fireproof bible study. I am looking forward to it!
Today was a strange occurrence. Jennifer was unfortunately sick, so we were free from 1:15 onwards to hang and be crazy, which is exactly what we did! Me, Charlotte and Meggles went crazy first dancing in the toy room, then playing with a balloon whilst sitting on a file cabinet, we then interrupted the youngsters band practice taking over the sound equipment. We rocked out to Blessed Be Your Name, me singing, Charlie on drums and Meg playing hectic on the piano!! We then went and set up the hall... Charlotte and Meg became witches on their broomsticks, which then turned us into chimney sweeps and then singers. Singing again Blessed be your name, trying to find more songs we all knew... Such fun!! I also stole Jayden's orange beanie for the day and am still wearing it.When I got home I immediately changed into my PJ pants and grabbed my quilt to snuggle on
the couch with mum and Jay and watch Rabbit Proof Fence. Dad came home and made dinner. Shepherds pie. I ate the potato off the top... mmmhI am a little bit sick but who isn't? Last night I had four blankets on!!! The weather stinks!I was impressed by how good we sounded today as a "mini band"... I thought we sounded really cool and we could make it work for heaps more songs. Singing together and playing different pieces with variations... The others weren't as enthusiastic....Am currently talking to Jessica Mackenzie on the phone...
Shadow Cat!
On the way home from work.
Sunday afternoons are the best... Just a time for relaxing, having friends over and eating chocolate. Talking on the phone for over half an hour and playing lemmings on the gameboy SP! Sunday is the day for pyjama's... when you know people might come over but you put your PJ's on anyway, knowing they won't care.
Yesterday was really good. The party was heaps of fun, but I'm so tired now!
We're learning Hallelujah in choir, so been looking at a couple of different versions from singers I like... Keira told me Regina Spektor had sung it, it was kind of morbid and scary. The other song I like that Regina sings is the call, it is in one of the narnia movies at the end. In fact I love all her songs, she's really awesome!
Really tired now, I feel like getting a bunch of quilts and pillows and settling in on the couch after hiring a movie from videoezy...
Doctor Who's on soon! Excited it's a two parter. The last part was really suspenseful and I was screaming at the television because it was making me wait for another week to find out what happened. I always get really exctied and nervous when there's weeping angels on the screen. I like the new doctor and don't mind the new TARDIS but Amy Pond annoys me. They have taken it a bit too far with changing it up, in my point of view.
Dad is watching a fishing show on Tv and Halen's on the computer. Mum is taking a nap whilst Jayden is nowhere to be seen...
Keira, Aimee and Tenielle came over for lunch today and we sat outside trying to soak up the last drops of sunlight.
I want to do really pretty things in my room and have some sort of order to it, but that would mean repainting and reorganizing again.
Trying to add some music to my profile, hope it works though I know my siblings won't apporve of my taste though some of things they won't mind...
So the title is a little original, but I'm excited!! I should probably tell you something interesting like I love rock climbing... (which i don't) but I'm not sure that's what I want to do...I have a crazy, good family! They are amazing... my older sister is so funny and she's has some of the craziest ideas but I would never swap her for anyone!! My older brother is the bomb... he has a good sense of style and humour... My younger brother is a character, he is like the BFG no offence bro... My mum is the best and pregnant and my dad is well he's my dad... I have the most amazing friends in the world, as well! They are unbelievable!I have to make a cake today for a 5/55 birthday, it's gonna be pretty exciting. It's for an organization that I'm part of called TEAR!! Transformation, Empowerment, Advocacy, Relief. It's pretty awesome. We meet up once a month and find ways to help raise peoples awareness of overseas poverty. Today will be mad fun and I'm having my friend Jess stay over afterwards.I should probably go and make that cake...